Tuesday, April 12, 2011

'Life comes at you fast' is a wonderful catchphrase for an insurance company advertisement because how real it is. The Peeler's life came at us fast two weeks ago today when our seven year old son Max took a full swung baseball bat to his head. It originally appeared to be a bad head wound head wound that needed stitches but as we soon learned was a fractured skull full of blood clots and infections. Over the next 14 hours Maggie and I lived with a lump lodged between our throat and chest wondering if everything would be okay. After over an hour in the operating room and awesome neurosurgeon at Greenville Children's Hospital had put our little man's head back together and removed the lump in our own bodies. Max's healing has gone well and just yesterday returned to school. It does not appear that there will be any long-term effects due to the injury. We are so thankful that God has restored our active 7 year old to his normal life. Now we have to deal with the over-protectiveness of being a parent who has watched their child suffer. Max doesn't want his life to change in anyway but his parents do. We will gradually become more comfortable with his child-like reckless abandon but right now we respect how fast life comes at you and how fast life can change.

One thing that was not lost in this ordeal was all the support our family received from all over the country. Max was prayed for by so many people that I know his doctor felt the presence of God as he worked on him in the operating room. Our family felt so blessed to have so many people thinking and praying for Max. It showed us how special places like Erskine, FCA, and Newspring Church are. We hope one day to pay all of that forward to people in need. But my real prayer is that life doesn't come at any of you that fast.